You were born to rise.
Everyone has the ability to rise. I’m here to teach you how.
I believe that in order to be be well you have to make time for yourself and I’m talking about making the time without the guilt. That’s been my struggle, as I strived to balance all the many different hats that I wore. I had spent so much of my time taking care of others, that one day I looked up and realized that I hadn’t made time to focus on taking care of me. This ‘a-ha’ moment put me on a path to prioritize my health and well being. This small little change, created big shifts for me, my family, and the people around me.
I’m here to show you that living well doesn’t have to be about sacrifice and denial; and that self-care isn’t about expensive spa treatments and yoga outfits. I’m here to tell you achieving true wellness is about finding balance, meeting yourself where you are at, and working towards being the best version of you.
I’ve been know to quote rap lyrics as daily mantras, and walk around with a bottle of sage spray. I believe that it’s sometimes ok not to take yourself too seriously and slowing down is one of the best things that you could do for your body. Secretly, I’m a comedian and laugh at my own jokes-cuz if you don’t who will? I’ve managed to find a pretty good balance between green smoothies and my penchant for chocolate. I’m a sucker for a good story, and think we should tell our stories more often. My mind still wanders when I meditate and to be honest I’m still learning on this journey called life.
I believe in using simple practical tools to find ways to create daily rituals. When it comes to wellness I’m here to share with you what has worked for me so that you can figure out what can work for you.
I’m not here to preach, I’m here to help you rise.
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